SciPette Plus +

Introducing our new ultralight weight, fully autoclavable manual pipette. Designed for comfort and ease of use, with its light pipetting motion you will have an effortless pipetting experience while helping to reduce any repetitive strain injuries. Simply set your volume and in 1 click of the wheel it is locked in place ensuring user confidence and consistent reliable results.

This attractive pipette has great protection and resistant against strong chemicals and physical corrosion, while the filter element protects and prevents against sample contamination. 

The SciPette plus is a high performing, durable, lightweight pipettor, a great little addition for any lab!

  • Only 75 grams, the lightest fully autoclavable micropipette
  • Ergonomically designed for comfort and low force to help with RSIs
  • Easy to maintain, service and calibrate
  • Filter element to reduce back flow
  • Easy 1 key volume lock setting
  • Made from the best-in-class material for protection against chemical/physical corrosion
  • Enhanced UV resistance for higher durability
Technical Specification


Single-channel Adjustable Volume Pipettes

Volume Range Increment Test Volume Systematic Error Random Error
uL uL uL uL % uL %
    2.5 +0.04 +1.4 +0.02 +0.7
0.1-2.5 0.002 1.25 0.03 +2.5 0.02 +1.5
    0.25 +0.03 +12.0 +0.02 +6.0
    10 +0.10 +1.0 +0.04 +0.4
0.5-10 0.01 5 +0.08 +1.5 0.04 +0.8
    1 +0.03 +2.5 0.02 +1.8
    20 +0.20 +1.0 +0.06 +0.3
2-20 0.02 10 +0.12 +1.2 0.06 +0.6
    2 +0.10 +5.0 +0.03 +1.5
    50 +0.45 +0.9 +0.15 +0.3
5-50 0.05 25 +0.35 +1.4 +0.20 +0.8
    5 +0.15 +3.0 0.08 +1.6
    100 +0.80 +0.8 +0.20 +0.2
10-100 0.1 50 0.50 +1.0 +0.15 +0.3
    10 0.30 +3.0 +0.10 +1.0
    200 +1.20 +0.6 +0.40 +0.2
20-200 0.2 100 +1.00 +1.0 0.30 +0.3
    20 +0.50 +2.5 +0.14 +0.7
    300 +1.80 +0.6 +0.60 +0.2
30-300 0.2 150 +1.50 +1.0 0.45 +0.3
    30 0.75 +2.5 +0.21 +0.7
    1000 +6.00 +0.6 +2.00 +0.2
100-1000 1 500 +5.00 +1.0 1.00 +0.2
    100 3.00 +3.0 +0.60 +0.6
    5000 30.00 +0.6 +10.00 +0.2
1000-5000 5 2500 +15.00 +0.6 +7.50 +0.3
    1000 +12.00 +1.2 +3.00 +0.3
    5000 30.00 +0.6 +10.00 +0.2
500-5000 5 2500 15.00 +0.6 +7.50 +0.3
    500 12.00 +2.4 +3.00 +0.6
    10000 +60.00 +0.6 20.00 +0.2
2000-10000 10 5000 40.00 +0.8 +10.00 +0.2
    2000 +30.00 +1.5 +6.00 +0.3
    10000 +60.00 +0.6 20.00 +0.2
1000-10000 10 5000 40.00 +0.8 10.00 +0.2
    1000 30.00 +3.0 +6.00 +0.6
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You're reviewing:SciPette Plus +

Please swipe right and left to horizontal scroll the buying options.

Product CodeDescriptionList PriceOffer Price
SP002.5-AUTO+SciPette Plus 0.1-2.5 μl
SP0010-AUTO+SciPette Plus 0.5-10 μl
SP0050-AUTO+SciPette Plus+ 5-50ul
SP0020-Auto+SciPette Plus 2-20 μl
SP0200-AUTO+SciPette Plus 20-200 μl
SP0300-AUTO+SciPette Plus 30-300 μl
SP1000A-Auto+SciPette Plus 100-1000 μl
SP5000A-AUTO+SciPette Plus+ 500-5000ul
SP10000B-AUTO+SciPette Plus 2000-10000ul μl
SP2210-LINSciPette Pipettor Stands
SP2210-RNDSciPette Carousel Pipette Stand
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