Cleaver MultiSUB Choice (Trio)

Key Features

Wide-format system with 2-3 times the sample capacity as the MSMIDI and MSMINI units. A comprehensive selection of combs provides full flexibility for preparatory and screening techniques. Suitable for cloning and mini-prep analysis. Ideal for restriction fragment analysis, sample prep or checking of high numbers of samples:

  • Three tray options
  • Run up to 210 samples
  • Low buffer volumes
  • Multichannel pipette compatible combs for speed loading

Product Description

The MultiSUB Choice offers a wide degree of versatility. Three tray options are available; 15 x 7cm, 15 x 10cm and 15 x 15cm  – allowing the choice of one, two or all three gel length options at the time of purchase. Further purchases of additional accessories are no longer required. Maximising comb and tray options allow up to 210 samples to be resolved per gel. The 15cm total run length allows restriction fragment or other close MW sample bands to be easily separated and identified. Speed loading is accomplished using 10, 14, 16, 18, 28 or 30 sample multi-channel pipette compatible combs.

Fabricated MultiSUB choice stretch units are available with optional 15 x 20cm and 15 x 25cm gel trays and four 28-sample combs for those researchers wanting to perform higher resolution separation of more samples over a longer distance. MultiSUB Choice Trio includes all 3 tray sizes for optimum versatility and value

Technical Specification
Gel dimensions (w x l) 15 x 7cm, 15 x 10cm, 15 x 15cm, 15 x 20cm, 15 x 25cm
Unit dimensions (w x l x h) 17.5 x 26.5 x 9cm, 17.5 x 41 x 9cm (ST models only)
Max. sample capacity 15 x 7cm tray - 70 samples, 15 x 10cm tray - 140 samples, 15 x 15cm tray - 210 samples, 15 x 20cm tray - 280 samples, 15 x 25cm tray - 350 samples
Buffer volume 500ml (Choice) 1000ml (Choice ST)


MSCHOICETRIO 15 x 7,10 & 15cm UV tray, 2 x 20 sample combs, loading guides and dams


Combs available

No. of samples 1, 2, 4, 10, 10MC, 12, 14MC, 16, 18MC, 20, 28MC, 30MC, 35
Thicknesses 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2mm
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Product CodeDescriptionList PriceOffer Price
MSCHOICE7Multi Sub Choice, 15 x 7cm UV Tray, 2 x 20 sample, 1mm thick combs, casting dams, loading guides
MSCHOICE10Multi Sub Choice, 15 x 10cm UV Tray, 2 x 20 sample, 1mm thick combs, casting dams, loading guides
MSCHOICE15Multi Sub Choice, 15 x 15cm UV Tray, 2 x 20 sample, 1mm thick combs, casting dams, loading guides
MSCHOICETRIOCleaver Multi Sub Choice Trio, 15 x 7,10 & 15cm UV Tray, 2 X 20 sample, 1mm thick combs, casting dams, loading guides POAPOAENQUIRE
MSCHOICETRIO153 x 15cm UV tray, 2x 20 sample combs, loading guides and dams
MSCHOICEST20Multi Sub Choice Stretch 20, 15 x 20cm UV Tray, 4 X 28 sample combs, casting dams, loading guides
MSCHOICEST25Multi Sub Choice Stretch 25, 15 x 25cm UV Tray, 4 X 28 sample combs, casting dams, loading guides
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