1st Ranked Supplier to the LUPC Laboratory Equipment Framework (LAB5061 LU)
SciQuip are pleased to announce we are the highest ever ranked Supplier to the LUPC Laboratory Equipment Framework Agreement (LAB5061 LU) 2021‐2025.
SciQuip is the first ranked supplier in all 9 of the 9 lots awarded, including Centrifuges, Environmental Control, Measurement, Environmental Storage, Fridges and Freezers, General Equipment, Environmental Monitoring Systems and Laboratory Equipment One Stop Shop.
The LUPC framework (LAB5061 LU) is accessible to all universities as well as all research institutes including the Francis Crick, MRC, BBSRC and the NHS. The framework provides streamlined procurement by means of direct awards to 1st ranked supplier within a lot.
Other benefits of the Laboratory Equipment Framework include fixed commercial terms on all lots, detailed technical data and energy information, additional discounts, increased choice and robust framework management.
With sustainability and the environment always at the forefront of our business, SciQuip scored 92.5% for quality, sustainability, ethical trading and the environment during the LUPC tender process, by far the highest ranking.
SciQuip Managing Director Matt Brooksbank says:
“SciQuip Ltd is striving to help further the advances in scientific and clinical research together with supporting local business development. We do so in the knowledge that we all have a responsibility to the environment and future generations.”
To find out more about the LUPC Equipment Framework agreement, CLICK HERE or to discover what else Sciquip are doing to work towards a greener future, VISIT OUR WEBSITE.